Act two opens with Polonius and Reynaldo talking 

about Laertes. Polonius is asking Reynaldo to  go to 

France and keep tabs on his son. Polonius is asking, 

"Take you as 'twere some distant knowledge of him, 

As thus, 'I know his father, and his friends, Andin 

part him.' Do you mark this, Reynaldo?" (2.1.14-16) 

Polonius is telling him to ask about him, to snoop 

around but not let it be known that he knows 

Laertes. It changes our views on Polonius. Polonius 

plays with the idea of appearance vs. reality. He 

seems like a very caring person, a loving father and 

loyal server to the family. But what he really is,  he is 

a he's self-absorbed and devious man. He does not 

care that his son's name may become a bad thing, 

he's selfish and does what pleases him. The talk 

with Reynaldo and Polonius shows that he is a bad 

person and plans on not doing  any good further on 

in the play. Polonius looks to be the drama creator. 

Once everything dies down,he must start something 

new.   Overall, Polonius creates a lot of drama and 

may be the cause of everything that happens in the 


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    Sukham Gill

    Exploring Hamlet!